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Timed Wallball Workout

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If you drop a pass and the ball rolls away, you won’t be able to pass the test even if you complete all remaining reps. You can’t replicate this environment with a casual 50 right and 50 left.

Quantity Pass Type
10 RH (Regular)
10 LH (Regular)
10 Catch & Switch (Catch left, throw right)
10 Catch & Switch (Catch right, throw left)
10 Twister RH
10 Twister LH
10 Quick stick RH
10 Quick stick LH
5 One handed RH
5 One handed LH
5 Shovel RH
5 Shovel LH
5 BTB strong hand
Turbo Charge Your Wallball Workout

High School Times 

Attackmen should complete at 2:20 or less.

Middies should complete at 2:30 or less.

Poles should complete at 2:45 or less.

Honey Badger Elite