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How not to get recruited

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Club tourneys and recruiting events seem to always be in full swing, despite the time of year. It’s getting incredibly competitive as there are more and more kids playing and training at high levels. Normally I give advice on what to do, but this time, if you don’t want to get recruited, do these:

  • Don’t dodge much.
  • Never pass.
  • Do a ton of “Give and stand there.”
  • Dodge full speed right into slides.
  • Play primarily on the “Wrong” side of the field as opposed to your “Natural” side of the field.
  • Stand in your teammate’s way when he’s trying to dodge instead of clearing space, picking, or “Fading/Drifting.”
  • Show how fundamentally sound you are by switching hands a lot… especially on man up!
  • Don’t initiate contact with your man when you dodge.
  • Just run to your strong hand, one speed, one direction, don’t use multiple moves.
  • Do a lot of palms up when your coaches tell you something.
  • Wait until you get the ball to figure out what you’re gonna do.
  • Shoot like you do in the backyard practicing with no goalie: staring down your corner!
  • Have your parents drop knowledge on college coaches on the sideline whenever possible.
  • Shoot side-arm alley shots.
  • Stand up tall on defense and watch the ball.
  • Play with a huge whip so you hit your teammates in the nuts when you feed.
Honey Badger Elite