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Category: Mental Toughness

What the Best do Better

Working with the best of the best, I’ve learned what the best do better than everyone else. These principles are for anyone who wants to strive for greatness and be their best. Whether you play sports or the piano, work with a computer, or a...

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My Formula for Grit

I identify grit as the number-one predictor and factor of success. It’s not talent, title, wealth, or appearance. It’s grit, the ability to work hard for an extended period of time towards a goal; to persevere, overcome, and keep moving...

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Positivity Leads to Winning

People think being positive means being less ambitious, less gritty, and less competitive but the truth is you can be positive and competitive. You can be positive and fierce. You can have a humble heart, a positive attitude, and a warrior spirit. Too...

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