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Category: Lax Tips

Tips for Players to set you on your way to on-field success.

16 Defensive Tips

How is your defensive game? Do attackers with quick feet blow by you? Are you losing time on the field because you just can not seem to be effective enough in the back? Defense is tremendously hard. It seems like in any sport you play, whether it’s...

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Philosophy of Trying

Almost everyone in the world has heard of Michael Jordan. He is probably one of the greatest basketball players who ever lived. But, did you know that he was cut from his high school basketball team when he was in the tenth grade because he was not...

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The Athletes’ Creed

The Athletes’ Creed was created by those who play for the love of the game. It is a set of principles written by sports leaders and everyday athletes from across the country. It’s a proclamation of what the game stands for and how to be a better athlete,...

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Lacrosse Player Creed

Team chemistry is the key component to a team’s success, at any level. It takes a special type of player to realize this and act in a way that benefits the team the most. To play with a true love for the game, and a passion to succeed and not...

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Never Stand Still

When you have the ball, never stand still – keep moving all the time – if necessary run backwards and forwards – but keep moving. When you are ready to make a pass, take one step back quickly and move. If you are standing still, you’re...

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